Saturday, March 26, 2011

Birthday Week

Birthday Week is always exciting at our house, with Casey, Andrew, and me all celebrating our big days within 5 days of each other. This year was extra exciting, as we were sure that we'd be adding another birthday during the same week. Sadly, we did not, but that's a story for another post.

Casey is first. He's 34 this year. We just had a little party at home for him, since for the 2nd year in a row I'm not really in the party planning mode. And for all of you who know Casey, you know how much it disappoints him to not have a big party with all our friends. Maybe next year.

The kids are always helpful with opening the presents.

The boys. They won't outnumber us for long!

Notice Willa's very concerned face -- I think she thought the cake was going to catch fire!

Andrew was next. He turned 7 this year. It's hard to believe he's getting so old! He's such a big kid now. He's in 1st grade and just has no time for little kid stuff. He loves playing Wii with Casey, reads like a 4th grader, hates doing homework, and regularly gets in trouble for staying up in bed reading or folding origami. Most of the time he gets along with his little brother and sister really well, and they light up when he gets home from school. Life is a lot more fun when Andrew is around!

Andrew is pretty mellow about things like parties, which is good because there is no way I was going to plan one this year! As long as he got to go to dinner and Friendly's and open all his presents he was good to go.

And have a blue cake, of course.

Incidentally, anytime we're in the kitchen this is what our little monster is up to: opening every cupboard and drawer, throwing things in the trash (and sometimes taking them out, which is always a fun surprise), dumping things down the air vents, and generally making a nuisance of himself. Gotta love the toddler stage.

Andrew got his first bike for his birthday this year. He's so big the training wheels we got didn't fit the bike, which is just as well because he didn't need them anyway. He learned to ride by himself in about 15 minutes flat and now wants to spend all his time outside on his bike.

Being the little sister Willa is of course jealous and wants a bike more than anything for her 5 year old birthday in June. She has to be out on her trike whenever he's on his bike.

I always close out birthday week. This year was pretty anti-climatic because I was sure that I'd have a baby this week. See my excitement when it didn't happen? And yes, I'm huge and I'm miserable. I did get a massage and pedicure that day, so it takes the sting out of it a little.

Happy birthday to us!