Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day

I love Mother's Day. I don't have to cook, I don't have to do dishes, I don't have to put kids to bed. Basically I don't have to do anything, and I LOVE it. Casey really does Mother's Day right. One of the highlights for the past 2 years has been the Mother's Day Tea hosted by Andrew's preschool. Each class makes food, decorates, makes gifts for the moms, and best of all performs a song or two. It is super cute. This year Andrew's class made a cookbook of their moms' favorite recipes, according to the kids. Andrew's recipe was awesome, I'll put it below for a good laugh.

But of course all you really want to see is the song. Bear in mind when you watch this that there is no trick photography here, he really is just freakishly tall compared to the rest of his class. (Which is sometimes a problem because he has no concept of personal space boundaries.)

Strawberry Shortcake (by Andrew)

1 c flour
2 Tbsp vanilla
3 c baking powder
1-2 c oil
10 c sugar
2 eggs
3-4 c cinnamon
frosting from Walmart
blueberries from Shoppers (very smart since Andrew is allergic to strawberries)
colorful sprinkles

First we make the cake and second we put the blueberries inside the cake. Put it in the oven on 4 for 15 minutes. Then we put the strawberry shortcake frosting on and then some sprinkles on. Then we eat it on Mother's Day.