Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Little Casanova

A couple of weeks ago Andrew started bringing home pictures in his backpack that his friend Ieva drew for him. Then last week another mom at preschool (where Andrew and Ieva both went last year) told me that she heard that Ieva is calling herself Andrew's girlfriend. I assumed it was all very innocent, that Ieva is just a girl that is Andrew's friend, and didn't think about it again.

Then today when I picked Andrew up from school two very giggly girls came up to him and said, "Bye, Andrew," and giggled their way down the sidewalk. Things started clicking in my head. Andrew told me they were two girls in his class, but emphatically denied ever playing with them or sitting by them in class. "I don't play with any girls, Mom."

I tried to casually ask Andrew if he has any girlfriends, and he said yes, Ieva is his girlfriend. I asked him what a girlfriend is, and he said, "Well, girlfriends and boyfriends are special friends." He says they like to talk about silly things, like marrying each other's eyeballs.

Am I in big trouble with this kid?