Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Bunk Bed

Right before we left for CA we finally received all the pieces to the bunk bed, so as soon as we got back in town last week we put it together. We decided just to put the kids together right away, since they'll end up together in a few months anyway. But when these two are in the same room it becomes party time all night long. Combined with the fact that their internal clocks were still set on pacific time, it was near midnight before they would finally settle down and go to sleep. Needless to say, now that school has begun Andrew starts out in our bed and then moves into his after Willa falls asleep -- because it's Willa that is the big instigator in their nighttime hijinks.

They love the bed, and love sharing a room. And Casey and I are having a great time listening in to their conversations on the baby monitor.