Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Andrew and Willa have been obsessed with pumpkins this year. Andrew keeps asking me to get A LOT A LOT of pumpkins to make pumpkin pie (like I would ever make it with anything but the canned stuff), and Willa thinks every pumpkin has life in it.

Meet Willa's family of pumpkins. The white one is the baby one, and there's a daddy, a mommy, an Andrew, and then two giants. All of them walk, and talk, and have all kinds of adventures. Who knew pumpkins could be so personable?

Andrew was fascinated with the pumpkin guts.

Fascinated and excited. But he would not touch them. They are far too gross for touching.

Here he was singing a pumpkin song. In the end all the pumpkins got to go trick-or-treating.

I should have taken the pictures of the finished products before they'd been outside for a couple of days. The squirrels feasted on their teeth.


Abbie said...

I am so bummed that I missed the song. I can just imagine what the words were.